2nd Annual Counter-UAS Technology Conference in Arlington, VA

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Announcing the 2nd Annual Counter UAS Technology USA Conference In Partnership with Aerospace Defence and Technology. SAE Media Group’s Counter UAS Technology Conference will convene on December 5th and 6th in Arlington, USA.


Building off the back of the sell-out 2021 event, Counter UAS Technology 2022 will return to Arlington, VA, once again to showcase the latest technology in the market to ensure that DoD personnel, equipment and infrastructure are protected from the proliferation of drones.


With the establishment of the US DoD Joint Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Office (JCO) there is now a drive across the US Armed Forces to have a comprehensive and centralised approach to tackling the ever-evolving drone threat facing the nation.


Interested parties can save $300 using the early bird discount by registering before 30th September at www.counter-uas-tech.com/PR1/einnews


Why you should attend this conference?

  • Hear from US DoD Senior Leadership and Program Managers on how they are utilising technology to combat UAS
  • Meet and Network with international speakers from NATO and aligned nations you will be able to discover how they are defending their defence networks from drone attacks
  • Listen to how innovative technology is driving advancement and enabling defence to counter drone swarms and attacks – At this year’s conference, delegates will hear the latest research in C-UAS from industry experts


Speakers will feature from leading US DoD agencies, international defence organizations and leading industry providers.

Counter UAS Technology 2022

December 5th & 6th 2022

Arlington, USA




To attend as military personnel, contact Callum Kenmure on +44 (0) 20 7827 6138 or email ckenmure@smi-online.co.uk

For sponsorship or exhibition queries, contact Justin Predescu on Jpredescu@smi-online.co.uk or call +44 (0)207 827 6130

For media and marketing queries please contact Nisha Poyser-Reid on npoyser-reid@smi-online.co.uk


About SAE Media Group Conferences:

SAE Media Group Conferences connects global communities with focused networking conferences. We provide our customers with solutions through industry knowledge and collaboration that enables our attendees to return to their organisations better equipped to overcome their key business challenges. Our key events focus on Defence and Aerospace, Pharmaceutical and Medical. Each year we bring together over 5,000 senior business professionals at our conferences. http://www.smgconferences.com

SAE Media Group (SMG), a subsidiary of SAE International, reports the latest technology breakthroughs and design innovations to a global audience of nearly 1,000,000 engineers, researchers, and business managers. SMG provides critical information these professionals need to develop new and improved products and services.

Nisha Poyser-Reid

SAE Media Group

+442078276020 ext.

Source: EIN News



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