France: €150,000 Stolen from a Drive-In ATM using a Drone

HLS.Today France 150,000 Stolen from a Drive-In ATM using a Drone

The police found themselves very helpless when they discovered that 150,000 euros had disappeared from a relay box in the technical room adjoining the ATM.

A relay safe is used by the background transport teams to deposit money from their van, and intended for the distributor. In this case, we learn that the Dab was absolutely not damaged, neither the door of the room located behind, nor the relay box itself.

The only degradation: ventilation. But you would have to be a Smurf to go through that. Or, as CCTV cameras will reveal, a drone.

Here is the procedure, which took no more than ten minutes. A drone passes through the broken vent, and allows a button controlling the opening of the door to be pressed: it seems to have been located the old-fashioned way, via a telescopic pole mounted with a mirror.

The burglars, not even masked, then return without firing a shot and type the code of the relay box (still valid after having been provided by an accomplice who worked on the maintenance of ATMs). They then make the trunk with the 150,000 euros.

Press conference

The dissemination of this news item in the Sunday Journal (JDD) led to the flash organization of a press conference by Matthieu Bourrette, the public prosecutor in Reims. It took place this Sunday, September 25, at 3:00 p.m.

“This attack on a cash machine took place under rather surprising and original conditions because there was, strictly speaking, no break-in. A large sum was stolen”, the authorities quoted Clement Pravaz, journalist-presenter at France 3 Champagne-Ardenne, only a minimum of “several tens of thousands of euros”.

“This modus operandi is original, extremely innovative, but also worrying. It uses a new model of flight. This drone was used to neutralize certain means of security”, which the prosecutor preferred not to specify.

HLS.Today France 150,000 Stolen from a Drive-In ATM using a Drone DRONE 3D

Arrested during the month of July, two bandits were placed in pre-trial detention or under judicial supervision pending their trial. They are between 30 and 40 years old and were not known to the police. No details were made on a possible link between the bank or the ATMs and one of its suspects.

“We had never experienced this before,” said the prosecutor about the use of the drone. Knowing that this technology, on the other hand, has already proven itself for bringing goods over prison walls, or transporting drugs.

Source: FranceTV



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