Russia: ARMY 2022 Military and Technical Forum in Sverdlovsky

HLS.Today ARMY 2022 Military and Technical Forum - August 19 to 21 2022 in Sverdlovsky

The opening of the 8th Forum “Army-2022” took place in Yekaterinburg, the solemn ceremony took place at the “Sverdlovsky” training ground. The military-technical forum is held from 19 to 21 August.

In 2022, more than 90 samples of historical and modern military equipment will be involved in the exhibition. In addition, the forum sites present elements of modern equipment, equipment and uniforms for Russian military personnel, about 100 units of modern and historical firearms. The expanded stylized site “Partisan Village” is also shown, which introduces guests to the construction of a front-line medical center from the time of the Patriotic War, a food point, a communications center, a field bath in dugouts, communications equipment, clothing, everyday life and weapons of partisans.

Acting Commander of the Central Military District, Major General Rustam Minnekaev noted that the Army-2022 forum presented 27 thematic expositions with military equipment and weapons, including historical expositions, as well as products of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Urals, which are in service with military units and CVO compounds.

The events of the military-technical forum are held in compliance with security measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. At the entrance to the landfill hand out free masks, measure body temperature. All forum objects are processed every day.

The purpose of the exposition is to perpetuate the heroic deed of the doctors of the Urals and to preserve the historical memory.

During the inspection of the interactive reconstruction, forum visitors get acquainted with the equipment of the operating unit and the ward of the wartime evacuation hospital. Volunteers are dressed in authentic uniforms of the war years and talk about the construction of the evacuation hospital, answer questions from guests.

Visitors actually become participants in an immersion performance unfolded within the walls of the evacuation hospital – they will see an impromptu operation of a wounded Soviet soldier, get acquainted with the real stories of military doctors and wounded soldiers.

Also, within the framework of the forum, a series of master classes on first aid will be held: in case of bleeding, fracture and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They are carried out by activists of the Sverdlovsk regional honey. college, the All-Russian Student Corps of Rescuers and representatives of the Sverdlovsk branch of the Russian Red Cross.

In addition to Yekaterinburg, the military-technical forum is held at the Novosibirsk airport “Tolmachevo” and at the Samara airfield “Kryazh”.

AP-3 field dressing station to be shown for the first time at the Army-2022 forum

The field point is designed to deliver doctors to areas of mass sanitary losses to provide first aid during battles. In war conditions, it can be quickly deployed in less than 60 minutes. In the composition of the dressing, aggregate, pre-dressing and evacuation departments. The calculation consists of a number of specialists: a paramedic, a driver-electromechanic, a doctor and a nurse. The complex can provide assistance to 10 wounded per hour. The battery life is at least 24 hours due to the supply of materials and honey. property.

The dressing table is one of the important improvements. Now it can not only be adjusted in height, but also tilted and rotated, which makes it easier to receive and lay down wounded soldiers. In AP-3, the wounded and military doctors are protected from bullet fragments. Even at the point, LED lamps were used for brighter light, that is, comfortable working conditions for resuscitation were created.

In Yekaterinburg, they showed the procedure for placing personnel in the field. The visitors saw the personnel training room, including a demonstration of the rationalization developments of military signalmen. The guests got acquainted with the recreation room and the organization of the command post.

Factory No. 9 presents four promising models of artillery weapons at the forum sites: 125-mm 2A46M-5 smoothbore gun; UCHKS – barrel cleaning device P-510; 122nd assault gun M-392; 152 mm howitzer 2A61. One of the differences between these samples is high transportability and mobility, which allows them to be used in hard-to-reach areas in combat conditions.

Specialists of the Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant named after E.S. Yamalov represents the optical surveillance system SON-730, which is an aviation round-the-clock optical-electronic system based on a gyro-stabilized platform of the “ball” type. This invention is used in search and rescue operations, coping well with the detection and recognition of water and ground objects, and round-the-clock search – for example, a car, a person or a boat. Another direction of using this equipment is the search and detection of centers of underground and forest fires. The optical surveillance system is installed on aircraft and is effective both in the dark and in smoky conditions.

Visitors to the forum will see a kitchen, a communication point, recreation areas and an observation post, where historical samples of radio stations are presented. For the first time, guests will be shown the personnel washing station and honey. Traditionally, for a brighter immersion, military personnel of the Central Military District, dressed in military uniform, are involved. They also talk about each of the presented exhibits.




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