HLS.Today - About Us


Founded by a team of highly decorated veterans, totaling 80 years of combined ‘boots on the ground’ experience, this news outlet aims to provide industry experts with a reliable and comprehensive source of information.

We are dedicated to providing timely and accurate information to the media, the public, and our partners in the federal, state, and local governments.

Our editors and columnists are dedicated to sifting through the ‘buzz’ headlines, unverified social media viral stories, and fake news to concentrate on what matters the most to you. We intend to provide you with only verified and relevant content from reliable sources to keep you informed at all times about the latest in homeland security and the public safety industry.

We work closely with various MOD and DHS leadership, subject matter experts, and other stakeholders to provide the latest news and updates on the department’s efforts to protect the homeland.

HLS.Today’s purpose is to cover news and information for the public and private sectors. We are also covering the latest product and service innovations in the homeland security and public safety industries at large.

The main objective of this information platform is to provide professionals and executives with relevant information and tools to enrich their knowledge when making an informed decision.

HLS.Today’s audience includes industry leaders, manufacturers, and integrators in civil, military and law enforcement, but also educational institutions, academic scholars, and lawmakers.

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